Whenever we attend a Super Bowl party, everyone's children are in tow. How many children actually sit and watch the Super Bowl though? Not many. Usually, they are in a designated tv room watching a movie or playing video games, only to be called in for the highly anticipated Super Bowl half time show.
Here are some tips on how to include the children and make them feel a part of the action.
First, a kid's party table. Line up some folding tables, use your dining room table, or bring a picnic table indoors.
At my local party store, I picked up 2 adorable plastic tablecloths that resemble a football field. I overlapped them slightly in the center.
Next, I dug an old golf trophy out of my basement (a footed silver champagne bucket works well too), that I picked up inexpensively at an antique store. I see both of these in antique stores and places like Marshal's all the time. I used my trophy as the centerpiece, filling it with green paper shred. I built up the shred high enough so that a football could be propped up on top.
I then attached balloons with clips on them, to the rim of the old trophy. The clips came from the party store.
I then placed beer mugs flanking the center ends of the table, which I wrapped with astro turf (Home Depot), and on top of that, I added a grosgrain ribbon with footballs on it (hot glued them). Then, I simply placed a pom pom upside down in the glass allowing it to cascade over the sides. Next I stuck mini mylar football balloons inside.
I purchased green buckets and wrapped the same football ribbon around the center. I cut a square of velcro and hot glued it in the center of the front and back side of the buckets. I then hot glued a plastic (1 sided) football to the center of the velcro and filled them with potato chips.
For some fun, I placed fun football stickers, and pom poms for cheering around the table.
Simple paper plates, cups and napkins with footballs on them made for an easy clean up.
I decorated craft store containers with velcro and footballs, and filled them with small pretzels for snacking. Pop corn bags were placed at each place setting.
We served pizza, water, juice and soda. Sweet treats included a fabulous football shaped cake , which was made by my local grocer's bakery.

I found green glittery bags at the craft store, filled it with football goodies from the dollar section of target and some green shred.
All the guests were asked to wear their favorite team jerseys. The children had a blast playing with the balloons, eating the favorite treats and just being a part of the excitement. Now "get on the ball" and begin your planning.
Please continue this great work and I look forward to more of your awesome blog posts.
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