Sweet potatoes are an acquired taste, especially if you did not grow up on them. They certainly were not a part of the regular mediterranean diet I grew up on so they've always seemed very foreign to me. I wouldn't touch one with a 10 foot pole as a child. My mother used the ugly word "yams" on Thanksgiving after cracking them from a can and baking them in the oven with brown sugar, butter and marshmallows. The can was enough to make that 10 foot pole even longer. It was so long that it wasn't until I was married to a Pennsylvanian with northeast european roots that I got my first taste of sweet potatoes and they were actually beyond delicious. My mother-in-law pan sautéed them, caramelized them in syrup, and topped them off with pats of butter... mmm mmm good! If it looks good, it probably tasted good, so I gave them a try. (The family ranting and raving over them didn't help my case). So that's what turned me on to my very first sweet potato recipe. I sautéed small chunks myself to add to a harvest salad, but that's as far as I went in experimenting with them. This Thanksgiving, I decided to experiment a little farther and make my own version of mashed sweet potatoes. Remember: flavor and consistency is everything!

6 large sweet potatoes, peeled
1 cup 1/2 of heavy cream (buy the 1/2 pint size container & use only 3/4 of the container)
1 stick organic butter
3 tbsp kosher sea salt
3 tbsp cracked black pepper
4 tbsp organic light brown sugar
Bring water to a boil, salt the water and submerge cubed potatoes
A few minutes before potatoes are finished, in a small sauce pan, bring heavy cream to a boil
When the potatoes are tender, drain the water with a strainer and return them to the hot pot to keep them warm
Add your stick of butter, salt, pepper, light brown sugar and heavy cream

Mash with a potato masher, and then whip with a hand mixer and serve hot

Jamie Gottschall
The NYClifestylist
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